Six new Changes in Australia Visa in November 2023 | Australia Visa Latest Update

Discover the Latest Australia Visa Updates in November 2023 | Key Changes Unveiled” Explore the six significant changes introduced by the Australian government in November 2023, impacting various visa categories.

The Australian government has made big changes to some types of visas. In November 2023, six important changes to the Australia visa program will start.

This post will explain what those changes are.

482 TSS Visa to PR Confirmed

On November 25, 2023, some changes to the Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (subclass 482) and the Employer Nomination Scheme subclass 186 Australia visa will start.

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Parliament approved these changes, and the Department of Home Affairs has given more information about them.

If you have a valid Australia visa and entered Australia on or after November 25, 2023, you can apply to extend your visa if you’re facing a temporary skills shortage.

However, it’s not clear how these new applications might affect people who only want to come to Australia temporarily.

The government still needs people to fill temporary skill shortages, so if your current Australia visa is expiring soon, you might still be able to come to Australia temporarily.

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Northern Territories Immigration Policy Adjustment

In November, the Northern Territory played a big part in making a big change to Australian immigration.

They decided to change their immigration rules and encouraged people to apply for 491 visas.

The Northern Territory did this to attract skilled people who can help the region grow.

In the past, big cities like Sydney and Melbourne were the main places where immigrants went, but now, remote areas like the Northern Territory are seeing the benefits of bringing in skilled workers to fill specific job needs.

In-Demand Occupations Eligible for 482 Visa

If you’re considering applying for a 482 Visa in Australia, it’s important to know which jobs are in high demand.

The Australian Immigration Department has just shared a list of the top 15 most wanted jobs that qualify for the 482 Visa.

This list can help you understand if your skills are needed in the Australian job market, which is a useful tool.

Knowing which jobs are in demand can help you make smart choices about your immigration plans and career goals.

Transition Pathway for Subclass 186 Visa Program

Employers can nominate 457 or TSS Australia visa holders for longer-term plans if these visa holders have worked for the company for at least two years before November 25, 2023.

They should have also worked in their specific job field for more than three years continuously in the previous four years to be eligible.

But now, any job that’s on the standard occupation lists for both Australia and New Zealand can be nominated.

Before, the TRT stream only allowed TSS Visa applications for certain jobs from the medium or long-term lists, with a few small exceptions.

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Support for Overseas Engineers in Queensland

Queensland is helping skilled foreign workers, including engineers, who want to find job opportunities in Australia.

Australia has special programs to support engineers in getting training abroad and also in helping engineers who live in Queensland to fill skill gaps.

Australia knows that professionals with international training are valuable to the job market.

The country is committed to welcoming and including workers from different backgrounds and skills into its workforce, and this program shows that dedication.

Skill assessment challenges TR skill Assessments

In Australian immigration, skill evaluations are really important.

People applying for various visa types need to provide skill evaluations to prove their skills.

A report from November mentioned that the process for evaluating skills in trades for the Australia visa was running late.

It’s a good idea for applicants to consider these delays when they’re planning their immigration timeline.

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 Five Tips for Faster Visa Processing

 To get your visa quickly, follow these five important guidelines.

The Department of Home Affairs is currently dealing with a lot of Australia visa applications.

Your application is processed based on the evidence you provide.

The main reason for delays in processing is when people submit incorrect or incomplete documents.

This not only causes delays but can also lead to your visa application being denied.

Make sure your visa application is well-prepared before you submit it.

Here are some tips to help you do that, which will make it easier for the Department of Home Affairs to process your application.

To process your Australia visa faster, follow these five suggestions:

  1. Make sure you’ve given your email address to Home Affairs and check your email regularly, including your spam folder, for messages from them.
  2. If someone is helping you with your visa application, provide your personal information. Keep your contact details updated in your AI account.
  3. Ensure you can access your visa application and keep your passwords and other data private.
  4. Keep an eye on your ME account to track your visa application’s progress.
  5. After you’ve applied, regularly check your account and respond quickly to any queries from Home Affairs. This will speed up the decision on your visa.

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Having a ME account helps you keep tabs on your visa application progress.

Always keep your contact details up to date to get updates on your visa application.

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