Buhari’s Administration Revolutionizes Passport Processes: 10 New Passport Offices Established

Discover how President Buhari’s administration has Revolutionizes passport processes in Nigeria. Learn about the establishment of 10 new passport offices, streamlined application procedures, and advanced border management technologies. Explore the achievements of the Nigeria Immigration Service under President Buhari’s leadership, ensuring greater accessibility, improved security, and enhanced professionalism.

The Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) has achieved significant milestones under the leadership of President Muhammadu Buhari.

One of the remarkable achievements is the establishment of 10 new passport offices within the past eight years.

These strategic additions to the existing infrastructure have greatly enhanced the ease and efficiency of obtaining Nigerian passports.

Expanding Accessibility: 50 Passport Offices Nationwide

In an effort to streamline the passport application and processing procedures, the NIS, under President Buhari’s administration, has successfully opened 10 new passport offices.

This brings the total number of passport offices in Nigeria to 50.

Among these new offices, one is located in Alimosho, Lagos, making a total of four offices in Lagos alone.

Furthermore, additional offices have been set up in Oyo town, Ilesha in Osun State, and two in Abuja, thereby increasing the total number of offices in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) to five.

The administration has also established offices in Auchi, Minna, Daura, and other strategic locations.

Revitalization of NIS Services

The NIS has witnessed a remarkable revitalization during President Buhari’s administration. Prior to his tenure, obtaining a Nigerian passport was a cumbersome process involving manual applications and processing.

Many individuals were forced to rely on agents or touts to navigate through the complexities. However, the Buhari administration introduced reforms that transformed the passport application system, making it more accessible to the public.

Today, individuals can conveniently apply for and make payments for passports using their personal phones.

These improvements have effectively eliminated passport touts, who previously exploited applicants and facilitated fraudulent practices.

Securing Nigeria’s Borders with Advanced Technology

Another notable achievement of the Buhari-led administration is the enhancement of border security through the deployment of advanced technologies.

Over the past eight years, the NIS has invested in state-of-the-art border management equipment.

These technologies have been strategically deployed across 32 air borders and 26 other locations.

Renowned for their sophistication and effectiveness, these systems ensure improved border patrol and the safety of personnel.

In line with the administration’s commitment to fortify border management, there are plans to introduce unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones, pending approval.

Additionally, President Buhari awarded a contract for the installation of an electronic border surveillance system.

This cutting-edge technology, known as the Electronic Digital Technology (EDT), will provide round-the-clock surveillance of all border lines in the country, thereby mitigating illegal migration.

Rewarding Excellence and Ensuring Accountability

President Buhari’s administration places great emphasis on recognizing and rewarding outstanding performance within the NIS.

Regular promotion examinations have been conducted, enabling deserving officers to advance in their careers.

In addition to promotions, officers who excel at their duty posts are duly rewarded. This system of recognition and incentives has motivated NIS personnel to consistently improve their individual performances, ensuring a higher standard of service delivery.

To maintain discipline and professionalism, the administration has implemented a system of sanctions for officers found guilty of misconduct.

This serves as a deterrent to others, promoting integrity and accountability within the NIS.

Recent Actions and Continued Progress

The NIS continues to prioritize integrity and professionalism.

In line with this commitment, the service recently announced the dismissal of eight staff members due to their involvement in various forms of misconduct.

Additionally, 18 other personnel faced sanctions for offenses such as gross misconduct and employment racketeering.

These actions demonstrate the administration’s determination to uphold the highest standards of conduct within the NIS.

Under President Buhari’s visionary leadership, the Nigeria Immigration Service has undergone significant transformations.

The establishment of 10 new passport offices, the implementation of streamlined application processes, and the deployment of advanced border management technologies have revolutionized the passport system and improved national security.

Through the combination of rewards for excellence and sanctions for misconduct, the administration has fostered a culture of professionalism and accountability within the NIS.

As the nation looks towards the future, the NIS remains committed to providing efficient and secure immigration services to the people of Nigeria.

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