10 Hobbies That Make Money, Are Your Hobbies Included?

Filling free time by doing hobbies certainly feels exciting. Especially if it’s a hobby that makes money. The most enjoyable work is a paid hobby. Surely you are familiar with the popular quote above, right? Doing things you like and getting bonuses in the form of income will certainly make you enjoy the hobbies you do more. Then, what are the hobbies that make money? And how do …

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9 self-motivating tips for the discipline of saving money

9 Tips to Motivate Yourself for the Discipline of Saving Money, Don’t get used to being extravagant. Many people are easily tempted and tend to spend their monthly salary on things that don’t really matter. They prefer to follow fashion trends and buy the latest gadgets rather than setting aside part of their income to save money. Are you one of the people mentioned above? No need to …

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What is Freelancing? advantages and disadvantages

Freelance is a job that requires certain skills, but has no attachment to working hours. Even though there is no attachment to working hours, freelance workers still have a deadline for submitting work to clients. In matters of work, freelance workers are free to adjust when and where they work. Someone who works as a freelancer usually works from home, coffee shops, co-working spaces, and others without having …

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